2018 LHBA Nominations for Awards of Creative Excellence
The London Home Builders’ Association (LHBA) recently unveiled nominees for some of their finalists for its 2018 Awards of Creative Excellence. Jefferson Homes is proud and honoured to announce that our model home has been recognized by industry judges as a finalist in the “Best Merchandised Model Home” category. Finalists were judged by industry professionals from across the country focusing on building, design and style.
Our model home and sales centre, The Prominence, encompasses a comfortable and modern farm house style. The model home was designed to appeal to London’s move up end user looking for sophistication as well as to the empty nester that may be looking for a clean look while still using traditional elements.
The mastermind behind our beautifully created model home is critically acclaimed designer, Jillian Summers. Her vision was to provide future home buyers with a comfortable and relaxed design while adding a transitional and clean atmosphere. Every room in the model home is a statement and she was able to make the whole house special by adding vintage touches and rustic materials to make it all come together. To balance everything out, Jillian used fresh bright colours, high contrast and black metal hardware materials that add a dramatic yet subtle display. Contemporary yet classic, this home has the adoptability to appeal to any family while truly remaining one of a kind.
More information and photos of our 2,648 sq.ft. two-story model home/presentation center and all of Jefferson Homes’ communities, are available on our website as well as our Facebook and Instagram page.
Winners of the LHBA Awards of Creative Excellence will be announced at a gala awards ceremony on October 11th, 2018. Our fingers are crossed!